home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- listing3 - uililbs.c
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef VMS
- #include <smgdef.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef BCC
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #endif
- #include "curses.h"
- #include "menu.h"
- extern WINDOW *dialogue;
- extern WINDOW *tbar;
- static bar_size; /* size of menubar */
- static int menu_pos; /* position in menubar */
- /* display menubar */
- WINDOW *topbar(WINDOW *win)
- {
- WINDOW *swin;
- int string_count, string_size;
- if((swin = subwin(win,3,(win->MAXX)-4,(win->BEGY)+1,
- (win->BEGX)+2)) == NULL)
- clean_up();
- #ifdef BCC
- wattrset(swin, F_BLUE | B_GRAY);
- #endif
- bar_size = (swin->MAXX)-2;
- menu_pos=0;
- return (swin);
- }
- /* print string to menubar */
- char do_menubar(WINDOW *swin, MENUBAR *menubar)
- {
- char * menu;
- char buffer[80];
- int status;
- #ifdef VMS
- int keyboard;
- short term_code;
- #else
- char term_code;
- #endif
- #ifdef VMS
- if ( (( status =
- SMG$CREATE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD(&keyboard))&1)!=1)
- clean_up();
- #endif
- term_code = 0;
- while (term_code != RETURN) {
- /* get the new menubar string */
- menu = strmenu(bar_size, menubar, menu_pos);
- mvwaddstr(swin, 1, 1, menu);
- wrefresh(swin);
- /* get a single keystroke */
- #ifdef VMS
- if ( (( status = SMG$READ_KEYSTROKE
- (&keyboard,&term_code))&1)!=1)
- clean_up();
- #endif
- #ifdef BCC
- term_code = wgetch(swin);
- #endif
- #ifdef HPUX
- term_code = getch();
- #endif
- #ifdef SUN
- term_code = getch();
- if (term_code == ESCAPE) {
- getch();
- term_code = getch();
- }
- #endif
- /* process keystroke */
- switch (term_code) {
- /* arrows check for wrap-around */
- case LEFT_ARROW:
- if (menu_pos == 0)
- menu_pos = TCHOICES-1;
- else
- menu_pos--;
- break;
- if (menu_pos == TCHOICES-1)
- menu_pos = 0;
- else
- menu_pos++;
- break;
- /* do nothing */
- case RETURN:
- break;
- /* exit program */
- case ESCAPE:
- clean_up();
- break;
- /* return keyboard input */
- default :
- return (term_code);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* return highlighted option */
- return (menubar[menu_pos].letter);
- }
- WINDOW *popup(int rows,int columns,int sy,int sx)
- {
- WINDOW *win;
- win = newwin(rows, columns, sy, sx);
- if(win == NULL) {
- endwin();
- clean_up();
- }
- #ifdef BCC
- wattrset(win, F_BLACK | B_GRAY);
- #endif
- wrefresh(win);
- return (win);
- }
- /* erase windows and surrounding box */
- void erase_window(WINDOW *win)
- {
- werase(win);
- box(win, ' ', ' ');
- wrefresh(win);
- }
- void delete_window(WINDOW *win)
- {
- delwin(win);
- }
- void refresh_window(WINDOW *win)
- {
- wrefresh(win);
- }
- void touch_window(WINDOW *win)
- {
- touchwin(win);
- wrefresh(win);
- }
- /* process pulldown menu options */
- char do_pulldown
- (int i, PULLDOWN *pullmenu, MENUBAR *menubar)
- {
- WINDOW *subwin1;
- int j;
- int position, oldpos;
- char *ptr;
- int status;
- #ifdef VMS
- int keyboard;
- short term_code;
- #else
- char term_code;
- #endif
- #ifdef VMS
- if ( (( status =
- SMG$CREATE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD(&keyboard))&1)!=1)
- clean_up();
- #endif
- subwin1 = popup( (pullmenu[i].num)+2,
- (pullmenu[i].maxlength)+2,stdscr->BEGY+3,
- (menubar[i].pos)+2 );
- /* print pulldown options */
- for (j=0;j<pullmenu[i].num;j++) {
- ptr = pullmenu[i].ptr[j].string;
- mvwaddstr(subwin1, j+1, 1, ptr );
- }
- term_code = 0;
- position=0;
- oldpos = 0;
- while (term_code != RETURN) {
- /* highlight selected option */
- ptr = pullmenu[i].ptr[position].string;
- strtoupper(ptr);
- mvwaddstr(subwin1, position+1, 1, ptr );
- wrefresh(subwin1);
- /* get keystroke */
- #ifdef VMS
- if ( (( status =SMG$READ_KEYSTROKE
- (&keyboard,&term_code)) & 1)!=1)
- clean_up();
- #endif
- #ifdef BCC
- term_code = wgetch(subwin1);
- #endif
- #ifdef HPUX
- term_code = getch();
- #endif
- #ifdef SUN
- term_code = getch();
- if (term_code == ESCAPE) {
- getch();
- term_code = getch();
- }
- #endif
- oldpos = position;
- /* process keystroke */
- switch (term_code) {
- case UP_ARROW:
- if (position == 0)
- position = pullmenu[i].num-1;
- else
- position--;
- break;
- case DOWN_ARROW:
- if (position == pullmenu[i].num-1)
- position = 0;
- else
- position++;
- break;
- /* do nothing */
- case RETURN:
- break;
- /* get keyboard input and
- erase menu */
- default :
- erase_window(subwin1);
- delwin(subwin1);
- touchwin(stdscr);
- wrefresh(stdscr);
- touchwin(dialogue);
- wrefresh(dialogue);
- return (term_code);
- break;
- }
- /* restore to lowercase */
- ptr = pullmenu[i].ptr[oldpos].string;
- strtolower(ptr);
- mvwaddstr(subwin1, oldpos+1, 1, ptr );
- wrefresh(subwin1);
- }
- /* return highlighted optoin
- and erase menu */
- delwin(subwin1);
- erase_window(subwin1);
- touchwin(stdscr);
- wrefresh(stdscr);
- touchwin(dialogue);
- wrefresh(dialogue);
- return (pullmenu[i].ptr[position].letter);
- }
- /* calculate and produce menubar string */
- char *strmenu(int length, MENUBAR *menubar, int pos)
- {
- int i,j,k;
- int count;
- int string_length;
- static char buffer[100];
- /* determine max length for string */
- string_length = length/TCHOICES;
- k = 0;
- j = 0;
- /* add proper number of options */
- for (i=0;i<TCHOICES;i++) {
- menubar[i].pos = k;
- /* add each option, highlight as necessary */
- for (j=0;menubar[i].string[j]!='\0';j++,k++) {
- if (pos == i)
- buffer[k] = toupper(menubar[i].string[j]);
- else
- buffer[k] = tolower(menubar[i].string[j]);
- }
- /* pad with spaces to proper length */
- while (k<(string_length*(i+1)+2)) {
- buffer[k] = ' ';
- k++;
- }
- }
- return(buffer);
- }
- /* initialize the screen at start */
- void set_stdscr(void)
- {
- int i;
- wclear (stdscr);
- #ifdef BCC
- wattrset(stdscr, F_RED | B_BLUE);
- /* fill in screen with color */
- for (i=0;i<MAX_ROWS;i++)
- mvinsertln(i,0);
- #endif
- refresh();
- return;
- }
- /* print string to dialogue box */
- int to_dialogue(char *string)
- {
- clear_dialogue();
- mvwaddstr(dialogue, 1, 1, string);
- box(dialogue, SINGLE_SIDE, SINGLE_ACROSS);
- wrefresh(dialogue);
- return;
- }
- void clear_dialogue(void)
- {
- werase(dialogue);
- box(dialogue, SINGLE_SIDE, SINGLE_ACROSS);
- wrefresh(dialogue);
- return;
- }
- void execute_command
- (int i, int choice, PULLDOWN *pullmenu)
- {
- int j;
- touch_window(tbar);
- for (j=0;j<pullmenu[i].num;j++) {
- /* use function pointer to execute command */
- if ( choice == pullmenu[i].ptr[j].letter) {
- (*(pullmenu[i].ptr[j].funcptr))();
- break;
- };
- }
- clear_dialogue();
- }
- /* convert a string to all uppercase */
- void strtoupper(char *string)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;string[i]!='\0';i++) {
- string[i] = toupper(string[i]);
- }
- return;
- }
- /* convert a string to all lowercase */
- void strtolower(char *string)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;string[i]!='\0';i++) {
- string[i] = tolower(string[i]);
- }
- return;
- }